Ramadan is a time of year where Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset as part of one of the pillars of Islam. The instruction for making up a fast is to simply make it up by fasting again at another time. However, in certain situations it can be difficult for one to do this and so Islam has put in place alternatives to recompense the missed fast. Fidya (fidyah) is the money paid by the one who cannot fast during Ramadan and cannot make up the days not fasted. This can be by reason of ill health or pregnancy but must be paid for by feeding someone else. The compensation for missing a fast Is by providing a meal for one person for each day missed. The amount paid for Fidya is £3 for each fast, or £90 if you have missed the whole of Ramadan.
Fidya (fidyah) is the money paid by the one who cannot fast during Ramadan and cannot make up the days not fasted…